ProactiveIT Ep 6 – Another HIPAA Fine & Copra
This is the ProactiveIT Podcast. This Week: The latest in IT and Cyber Security news, Another Large HIPAA Settlement and COPRA
This is Episode SIX!
Hi Everyone and welcome to the Proactive IT Podcast. Each week we talk about the latest in tech and cyber news, compliance and more. We also bring you real-world examples to learn from so that you can better protect your business and identity.
This podcast is brought to you by Nwaj Tech – a client-focused & security-minded IT Consultant located in Central Connecticut. You can find us at nwajtech.com.
Patch Tuesday Update:
Google Chrome update (78.0.3904.108)
Cyber Security News
National Computer Security Day is tomorrow
Topic 2: https://threatpost.com/federal-data-privacy-bill-tech-giants/150663/
Transcription (Not Edited)