What’s Lurking on Your Network?

You can’t protect your business and data without first understanding what you’re protecting, and what shouldn’t be on your network.

This is the first in a series of webinars sponsored by Nwaj Tech in which we will help you understand how to better protect your business and client/proprietary data.

Data breaches are occurring at a record pace. The cost of a cyberattack causes more than 60% of small businesses to fold just 6 months after a data breach/ransomware attack.

How are the attackers able to grab a foothold on your business’s network? What magic hacking skills are they using to gain access to your sensitive data?

You might be surprised to learn it’s often not as complicated as it seems. You might also be surprised that the keys to the kingdom are often left dangling in the front door of the network.

What You Will Learn in this Webinar

  • Understanding what is connected to your network, and the risk those items present to your business.
  • Completing an inventory of assets on your network
  • What items are you overlooking?
  • What is the value of the “exposed” data on your network? This one will shock you.
  • Identifying potential vulnerabilities
  • Who has access to what?

Just for signing up, we will provide a free analysis of the exposed data on your network. You will understand what the financial risk is to your business. 

We’re also including a free e-book “11 Steps to Mitigate the Risk of Phishing Attacks”!


July 27th, 2022  1:00-2:00pm EST

Via Zoom (details will be provided after signing up)

Sign Up Today for our Free Cybersecurity Webinar

Seating is limited so don’t delay

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