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1 Way Cheap IT Costs More than Qualified IT Consulting for Healthcare FB

Cheap IT is not Good IT and Can Cost You Much More in the Long Run

Here’s the thing.  You own or operate a healthcare practice.  It might be a physician’s practice, optometrist, dentist, or even a chiropractor. 

Maybe you’re running an ambulance service.  Perhaps you have an independent pharmacy in the middle of town that everyone loves. 

No matter what type of healthcare entity you have there’s no doubt that you’re using computers and other forms of technology.

When you need technical support you probably call around, hire someone who’s relatively cheap to fix the issue and then go about your business.  You might even have someone you reach out to every time you have a problem.  It could be someone referred to you by another business owner.  It might even be a family member who fixes computers as a hobby.

You hired the IT Consultant in large part because they offered service at a much more affordable rate than some of the other IT consultants in the area. 

That’s great.  You’re saving a few bucks and getting your computers repaired when they need to be. 

That IT Consultant could end up costing far more than the established, more expensive IT consultants. 

IT for Chiropractors1 Way Cheap IT Costs More than Qualified IT Consulting for Healthcare

Let’s forget about the bad advice, shortcuts, and mistakes an underqualified IT consultant can make.  Things like using free anti-malware programs, or not properly validating your back up solutions, or even suggesting that you can use a shared Gmail address for the entire staff to simplify things (yes, I have witnessed all of these things).  There is one incredibly important reason not to hire the guy down the street who fixes your neighbor’s computer for $50. 

All the businesses I listed above most likely need to have a HIPAA program in place.  Part of HIPAA says that anyone (vendors) who you hire to perform work that may include potentially accessing PHI (Protected Health Information) require a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)

The Omnibus Rule states that a Business Associate, which is essentially your downstream for support of your healthcare business, can be held liable under the HIPAA rules.  In fact, the OCR has stated that we can expect more enforcement directed at business associates. 

In other words, if a breach occurs and IT consultant is at fault then they will be the party the OCR investigates and potentially fines. 

If you don’t have a BAA in place with the IT consultant, then the OCR is going to hold you liable.  If they determine that a HIPAA program was not being followed (if you don’t have a BAA with your IT consultant, then you most likely don’t have a HIPAA compliance program) you could be subject to enforcement. 

HIPAA enforcement can, and usually does, include financial penalties and a corrective action plan.  In many cases, the corrective action plan can cost more than the settlement.  The corrective action plan will also mean you’ll need to hire a qualified IT consultant that will sign a BAA. 

The few hundred dollars you saved by hiring the neighborhood guy who pushes free anti-malware programs are starting to look like a bad decision, isn’t it? 

Let me try to put this another way.  If you’re a chiropractor and someone came into your practice because of back pain but decided they were going to go to a friend of a friend because they can fix their back issues for a lot less money would that sit well with you? No, because they’re not qualified, and they could potentially hurt the person even more.

IT consulting is no different.  You want to have qualified, experienced support to prevent breaches.  You want to have someone that has as much skin in the game as you. 

ambulance company hipaa compliance programWhy Bring This Up Now?

I belong to a lot of groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.  Some are IT-focused.  Some are HIPAA focused.  A Break/Fix IT Consultant asked a question in one of the IT-focused groups a few days ago.  The question was “A physical therapist called me about doing some work on their computer.  Is there anything I need to know regarding HIPAA before I help them?”

If you must ask that question you are not qualified.  Also, if you must ask that question then chances are the physical therapist does not have a HIPAA compliance program in place. 

I explained that a BAA would need to be in place before you could work with them.  I also advised that there’s a good chance the physical therapist is not complying with HIPAA. 

For a healthcare provider to have a HIPAA compliance program someone needs to be managing their technology for security.  That includes patching, scanning, logging, auditing and updating as needed.  This cannot happen with a break/fix shop.

That’s not a knock on the break/fix IT consultants of the world.  That’s how I started out 13 years ago.  A managed services provider or in-house IT is what a healthcare practice needs.  Smaller practices would use an MSP while larger organizations could afford to keep someone in-house. 

Yes, a qualified MSP is going to be more expensive than your husband occasionally popping in to clear the printer and update the free anti-malware (yes, I was given this answer when contacting a dentist).   In the long run, you will save yourself from headaches and heartache, and probably a few dollars. 


Cheap can be more expensive

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1 Way Cheap IT Costs More than Qualified IT Consulting for Healthcare PIN


Scott Gombar

Author Scott Gombar

More posts by Scott Gombar

Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • Nyxie says:

    I hear what you’re saying. Cheap certainly isn’t best in the long run, and that goes for everything, not just technology. I need to upgrade my PC and I plan to get the best. AND I also plan on having it professionally put together to avoid issues.

  • I think you really need to make sure you find what’s right for you without spending outside of your means as well. Definitely an impactful post. Thanks for sharing!

  • I like to read these kind of posts because there aren’t so many around the web. Yours is clear and I can understand everything. Thanks for sharing. – Paolo

  • The thought that you get what you pay for resonates well in most areas. On the flip side, overpaying isn’t necessary if you do your research and find services that will work well for what your needs are. The research part is sometimes hard to do and time consuming. Which is probably why you see such questions in groups and forums like you mentioned above. Hopefully people will understand if someone is asking questions about HIPAA like that, they should run…fast. And then go find someone that does know about the services they need.

  • Monica says:

    What you’re saying makes complete sense to me. Sometimes saving a buck, isn’t worth the headaches that might follow from taking the cheap route!

  • Lyosha says:

    oh you can say that again. the tendency of cheap and dirt cheap It services in my country is a big part of why I end up leaving IT (not the main though, that’s for sure)

  • Gladys Nava says:

    This is a great blog! Thanks for sharing your experience and your opinion about it! Great tips!

  • Olya AMANOVA says:

    I do agree that cheap is not always good and most likely not suitable and long living at all. I consider this article very helpful in terms of helping people to find what they need. Your expertise is very appreciated.

  • Echo says:

    It is so important to hire the right, qualified people for the job. Especially, when it comes to healthcare and IT.

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